Reset Your Life Path is more than a guidebook to explore your future. It is a complete program, based on research, for what works to make a difference in your life and in the world by making a change. Purchasing the guidebook automatically gives you the entire program.
The guidebook gives you 10 Steps for creating the change you want. Each Step of the guidebook contains the following:
A gentle introduction to each Step helps you visualize the path ahead.
Step-by-Step Guide:
You get clear directions for how to take the next steps ahead but you choose where you are going.
Practical exercises, including “quick answers,” assessment tools, and “Q&As,” let you document your journey using your own words.
A Powerful Profile of Purpose:
Carefully selected case studies illuminate how successful figures mastered the challenges of each Step.
A checklist at the end of every chapter will help you decide if you’re ready to continue on to the next Step.
A final “compass” will remind you of how far you’ve come, and what’s ahead in your journey.
Book Details
You are able to move through each of the following Steps that gently guide you from finding your purpose, “making that change”, to changing the world:
Step One: Open Your Mind
Here you’ll discover how you perceive change.
Step Two: Discover “Pushing” vs. “Pulling” Influences
In this Step, you’ll uncover the most compelling reasons for making a change and what could be holding you back.
Step Three: Ground Yourself
You learn how to ground yourself by getting in touch with your values and basic needs.
Step Four: Find Your Purpose
You will find your purpose, your foundation and motivation for change.
Step 5: Accept Your Shadow Self
A difficult but necessary Step, you accept your shadow self and learn your life’s lesson.
Step 6: Envision Your Future
If you can envision your future, you make it possible to realize your dreams.
Step 7: Seek Your Higher Purpose
By looking beyond yourself, you strengthen your purpose by finding your contribution to the world.
Step 8: Offer Your Gifts
We now return closer to home where you learn how to offer your gifts.
Step 9: Prevent Obstacles
What could obstruct your new life path? In this Step, learn how to prevent roadblocks from getting in your way.
Step 10: Do Something!
Prepare yourself! This is the final Step that moves you into action to realize your life’s purpose.
Mark Gelhaus left his marketing career to become a trained and certified life coach. He learned that leaving a career and reinventing yourself at mid-life isn’t necessarily easy. But he also saw from persons who unhappily avoided change that this was not the route he wanted to take. By learning how to create health-improving programs in his career, converting common obstacles into opportunities, and ultimately reinventing himself, Gelhaus created a step-by-step approach to transformative yet pragmatic change that anyone can use.